| 1. | They had learned to give up many things . 他们已习惯放弃很多东西了。 |
| 2. | I have learned to succor the unfortunate . 我学会了周济不幸的人。 |
| 3. | He had learned to despise technical dexterity . 他早就懂得轻视技巧的娴熟。 |
| 4. | We have learnt to expect that trains will be punctual . 我们都习以为常地料想火车总会准时的。 |
| 5. | He had learned to present a blank, neutral surface . 他学会了在外表上显得呆头呆脑,庸庸碌碌。 |
| 6. | Dorothea had learned to read the signs of her husband's mood . 多萝西娅已经懂得观察丈夫的脸色。 |
| 7. | We ourselves have learnt to mistrust the concept of income . 我们自己已经懂得不相信收入这一概念。 |
| 8. | All the sounds that she had learnt to love came to her ears . 她逐渐熟悉并且喜爱的各种声音纷至杳来。 |
| 9. | Here i have learned to operate a radio, and how to aim a rifle straight . 现在我已经能够操纵无线电,用步枪瞄准。 |
| 10. | She had learned to walk, and to talk, and to feed herself and tie her bootlaces . 她学会了走步、说话、吃饭和系鞋带。 |